Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Who is Marshall Mcluhan?

Please start a discussion with a paragraph about why Marshall Mcluhan is an important figure in New Media studies. Research and find something of personal interest within his writings and respond by starting a dialogue. It can be in the form of a comment to this post, your own post, or even your own blog. 

Each student should be reading and responding on a regular basis to the posts, blogs and commentary. REMEMBER TO SIGN YOUR COMMENTS

Love your professor


Guily D. said...

Marshall Mcluhan was a very important figure to New Media studies because he predicted that New Media instruments would transform the way information is sent and retrieved on a global scale.Making it readly accessible at a moments notice.He also touched upon how new mediums would change the art and what is considered art. Marshal Mcluhan said, "the next medium, whatever it is - it may be the extension of consciousness - will include television as its content, not as its environment, and will transform television into an art form. A computer as a research and communication instrument could enhance retrieval, obsolesce mass library organization, retrieve the individual's encyclopedic function and flip into a private line to speedily tailored data of a saleable kind." As you can see Mcluhan way ahead of his time.

-Guily Demelien

Blinky said...

"Art is anything you can get away with."

Marshall McLuhan concentrated on understanding things like literature and media. In literature, McLuhan focused on how words worked together in a formal context; he wasn't too interested in how the author intended to have their words interpreted. In media, McLuhan focused on the effects that media had on our senses. He concluded that media manipulated the ratio of our senses.

I found the above quote by McLuhan to be very interesting. This quote was interesting mainly, because a lot of people express themselves freely through art. Whether it is writing, drawing, painting, or any other work medium that is chosen to use, art is something that rarely has harsh consequences because it is a result of personal feelings or ideas. So it's true that you can get away with just about anything because you can call it art; art doesn't have any boundaries.

-Shatara Way